Blog is Moving! Follow Me!!!!

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Hello Everyone,

I wanted to let you all know that I will be slowly moving my blog to I will continue to operate, but my website provides a lot of valuable health information that will be of value to you, including my blog posts. I look forward to your continued support through Thank you.


Eating For Energy-The Right Foods Will Make Your Day!

Vegetables and Fruits Arrangement

As we age, fatigue can become to play a factor in our daily lives. Energy fatigue can be the result of many factors such as disease, depression, stress and just everyday living.  Did you know that the types of food we put into our body can greatly effect our energy levels throughout the day? Our brains need a steady supply of nutrients and the right foods can make all the difference on whether we hit that 2pm crash or if we charge hard until our head hits the pillow at the end of the day. You want to focus on foods with a low glycemic index such as protein and fiber and avoid foods with a high glycemic index like sugar and carbs.

Here are five foods that will jumpstart your day, and keep you energized and focused for optimum production.

Eggs-A great way to start your day. Protein has a glycemic index of almost zero so it’s a great way to fuel your body for energy and it improves your mood!

Healthy Tip: Have your egg with a whole grain bagel and some lean meat.  Skip the coffee, you have enough energy to start your day.

Nuts-Nuts are rich in protein and magnesium. Magnesium plays a key role in converting sugar into energy.  Being low on magnesium can drain your energy.

Healthy Tip: Carry a bag of your favorite nuts with you throughout the day. Eat them as a snack and they will increase your energy and will also keep you full so you’re not thinking about food.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables-These are full of fiber and fiber keeps your energy steady throughout the day. They reduce the risk of fatigue and depression and will keep you hydrated throughout the day.

Healthy Tip: Have a salad for lunch. It will energize you for the rest of the day. If you’re really hungry, feel free to top it off with your favorite lean protein. Get your dressing on the side to reduce calories.

Dark Chocolate-Now we’re talking. Who said that we have to skip the good stuff? A little bit of dark chocolate can boost your energy and mood. Dark chocolate contains caffeine and a stimulant called theobromine that gives you a quick boost.

Healthy Tip: Have a few squares late in your day. Perhaps with a handful of nuts. You will finish your day strong.

Water-Hydration is key! Even mild dehydration can sap your energy.  Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Your energy will remain steady and it will decrease hunger which can reduce focus.

Healthy Tip: Carry a refillable water bottle with you. This way you can hydrate as needed. Also, replace your sodas and energy drinks with water. It will pay off in increased energy and great health.

These are only a few foods that will help with your energy. Experiment and discover what foods work best for you. Nutrition is only one way to help you increase your energy throughout the day. Don’t forget that exercise for the mind and body, proper sleep and reduced stress will also play a big role with your energy levels. I always love feedback so if you would like to share your energy tips please feel free to comment.

As always if you’re looking for ways to get your health back on track or if you have some questions, you can always contact me for a free “Empower Your Health Strategy Session.” Check it out:

Have a great day and namaste,


Spring Cleanse? Don’t forget the Cilantro!


I love fresh Cilantro, or Coriander if you prefer to go by it’s other name. The flavor enhances soups, salads, sauces, just about anything. You may love the taste but are you aware of the amazing health benefits? It’s springtime and perhaps you’re thinking of a cleanse to revitalize your body after a long winter or maybe you just want to add this killer herb to your cooking regimen or your garden(it grows just about anywhere).

Here are 5 reasons you need to add Cilantro to your diet today!

Cilantro cleanses the body of heavy metals-Evidence suggests that Cilantro could be one of natures best bonding agents. Chemical compounds in cilantro actually bind to the heavy metals, loosening them from the tissues, blood and organs. Cilantro’s chemical compounds then aid to transport these harmful substances out of the body through elimination.

Cilantro aids in digestion-The oils from Cilantro aid in digestion by helping in the production of enzymes, acids and juices. It also reduces gas and eases nausea.

Eases inflammation and lowers bad cholesterol-Since these two conditions go hand in hand, Cilantro in your diet is just one more weapon to fight these conditions. It raises HDL(good cholesterol) and lowers LDL(bad cholesterol). It is also helpful in easing the inflammation symptoms brought on by arthritis.

Lowers blood sugar-Cilantro helps with insulin secretion which helps to lower blood sugar.

Strong antioxidant and immune boosting properties-Yes, another great antioxidant. Cilantro protects the cells which can ward off disease and in turn strengthen your immune system.

The benefits of cilantro are extensive and research is uncovering new benefits every day. When preparing Cilantro always make sure it’s organic and raw, unless you are adding it to soup or a warmer dish.

Here’s a great juice recipe to start your day or add to a cleanse: Heavy Metal Thunder!

3 cups of fresh organic pineapple

3 jalapeños

1 cup organic raw Cilantro

Juice or blend and enjoy!

Interested in more learning more healthy food tips? Visit me at



Always in good health and Namaste,


Guys, Reclaim Your Health! Look and Feel Younger Today!


I’m often asked, “Why did you become a health coach?”

Well, there are two reasons.  First, as I got older I began to experience my own health challenges with high cholesterol and inflammation. I was able to regain my health through nutrition and fitness. Second, I figured if I was able to regain my health then why can’t I help other men regain their health the same way?

Now, I’m not leaving out the ladies here, you should read this article and share it with your man.  I’ve just learned that it’s a little tougher for us guys to adopt the nutrition and fitness habits we need to live healthy and happy lives.

So here I am, every man’s health coach. I’m going to tell you some simple steps to get you on the path to healthy living and If you need a little push we can build a plan to get you back on track.

Your body is designed to heal itself-How we eat and live each day has a profound effect on how we age. Proper nutrition and exercise are paramount to keeping you feeling and looking young.  If you want to get well and remain well then stop doing things that cause sickness and disease and incorporate habits that will strengthen your immune system and keep you healthy.  For most of us, these are minor changes with big results.  Your body gets it.  Need some help? Ask me how.

Exercise from the neck up-How we think and feel greatly effects our health. As we age self doubt, depression, and fear can creep into our mindset. As men we tend to push these feelings away. By simply being mindful and present in the moment we can mitigate these symptoms.  Take time for self care. Have a conversation with a loved one or friend, cook a great meal, read a book or take on a mental exercise like meditation. Also, did you know that good food and exercise can limit these symptoms? See the connection?

Age is mandatory, getting old is optional-I say this a lot.  Who said that as we age we have to stop living get sick and die?  Guys, I hear this too often. “I’m too old.” “I just don’t feel good anymore”. Well your dreams of playing in the NFL may be gone, but who says you can’t go out and live! Do you want to feel and look younger? Find your passion and do it. The only thing stopping you is you.

We’re men. We’re supposed to be strong.  So why do we make ourselves so vulnerable?

Your health is your strength and your power. Take care of yourself and your life becomes limitless.

I know that sometimes it’s easier said than done.

Need a little help? A jump start to health and happiness?

Why not look at a health coach? I’m your guy, I’ve been there and done that. Perhaps I can help build that perspective to get you on the right track.

Hit me up for a free consultation at

Could one conversation change your life?  What do you have to lose?

See you out there,


Technology Overload. Why Unplugging At Least Once A Day Will Make You Healthier And Happier


I remember when I was growing up, my parents would yell at me for watching too much TV or talking on the phone too long. “Go outside! It’s a beautiful day!” They would say. Wow, they would be pulling their hair out in this day and age. We are uber connected in every aspect of life and it’s depriving us of relaxation and peace and it’s piling on the stress. I’m guilty. Guilty of stressing out when I can’t find my phone. Guilty of being a prick to the tech support guy when my internet connection is down. Guilty of being a technology addict. But amidst all of the online chaos, I found a way to unplug. I found peace letting go and I’m healthier and happier for it.

I know there are others out there like me. I’m here to help. Here are three ways that you can unplug from your technology addiction and you will be healthier and happier.

Just Walk Away-I love this.  Twice a day I take my dog for a walk. I get up from my laptop. I put my phone down and go for a walk.  I enjoy the fresh air, hanging with my dog and just being mindful of the world around me. It clears my head,relieves stress and re-energizes me for the rest of the day.  If you’re at work, go outside for a few minutes. Walk around the building. Go get a healthy snack. Just walk away!

Sit in Silence-Meditation has many health benefits. When you’re mind is tired,stressed and overloaded, take a few minutes to let it all go.  Sit in silence and clear your head.  Just listen to your breath and nothing else. Once again you will return to your tasks energized with a clear mind and ready to go. Here is a great link for short meditations to get you through your day.

Exercise-Many benefits here.  Go for a run, or a bike ride. Attend a yoga class.  Whatever your method is just do it and leave your technology behind.  You will return to your daily activities focused and stress free.

So what are your methods of unplugging?

I’m just touching the tip of the iceberg here.  Whatever your methods may be, just commit to it and you will be better for it.

Having trouble unplugging? Come see me! We will discuss what’s getting in your way and develop practices that will help you unplug.  Schedule a free consultation at

If this post has been beneficial or not, I would love your feedback.

Now it’s time to go walk the dog.

Namaste Y’all!
