My Blog Has Moved! Follow Me Here For More Great Topics!

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Hello Everyone,

I wanted to let you all know that my blog has moved to I will continue to operate, but my website provides a lot of valuable health information that will be of value to you, including my blog posts. I look forward to your continued support through Thank you.


Blog is Moving! Follow Me!!!!

 Kriya Living Logo 4-C

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to let you all know that I will be slowly moving my blog to I will continue to operate, but my website provides a lot of valuable health information that will be of value to you, including my blog posts. I look forward to your continued support through Thank you.


I Totally Dig The Farmers Market


Hello Everyone,

Before we dive into this weeks blog, I wanted to let you all know that I will be slowly moving my blog to I will continue to operate, but my website provides a lot of valuable health information that will be of value to you, including my blog posts. I look forward to your continued support through Thank you.


Summer has arrived and all of the new growth is thriving. The leaves are back on the trees, flowers are blooming and gardens are taking root.  With the arrival of the new season farmers, local businesses and vendors join to sell their wares at community gatherings throughout the country. Ah yes, the farmers market. What a great place to go visit friends and make new friends and to taste, experience and support your local businesses. You can also get your grocery shopping done. So why go to the farmers market? Here are a few reasons to head there now. I guarantee you’ll totally dig it.

Connect with and support your community-The farmers market is a community hub where local businesses count on your support so they can bring you the freshest and healthiest foods and unique products. It’s a place where you can relax with friends and family and enjoy local culture even if you’re in a big city.

Inexpensive organic produce-Farmers markets provide a wide variety of organic produce that is less expensive than what you would pay at a grocery store. You get produce that is fresher and grown locally. Plus, you get to chat with the farmer that grew it. Pretty cool.

The Food Tastes better-At the farmers market you get the freshest and tastiest foods available right from the source. The produce is perfectly ripe and unaltered. The dairy is brought straight from the farm. Meats are naturally fed and free of antibiotics and hormones. It all contributes to better taste. Plan a meal and experience the amazing flavors and smells with friends and family. You’ll discover that the food from the farmers market rocks!

It’s healthier-This one’s a no brainer. Eating fresh, locally-grown fruits,veggies and meats are great for your health. You avoid the pesticides and herbicides, the GMOs and the alterations that happen to foods in grocery stores.  You get real food and what’s healthier than that?

It’s Fun!- Take the whole family, meet a friend for breakfast. I always bring my dog and she has a better time than I do. There’s a little something for everybody and it’s always good.

If you haven’t experienced your local farmers market, get out there today. Not sure where it is in your community? Try google. They can usually point you in the right direction. Farmers markets are an excellent way to connect with your community and to buy local. They are sustainable, good for the environment and they give you a connection to the world around you that feeds your body, mind and spirit. Why not head out there this week? I’ll see you there.

If you’re ever looking for other healthy lifestyle tips why not “click here” for a complimentary “Empower Your Health Strategy Session.” We can meet at the farmers market.

Have a great week!



Nuts and Seeds-A Handful A Day Goes A Long Way


I’ve always been a big fan of nuts and seeds. My family always had a bowl on the dining room table or in front of the TV where we could relax and crack open a variety of nuts for a quick snack. Seeds were a favorite to add to salads and other dishes. Lately I’ve been incorporating nuts and seeds into my diet for a variety of reasons. They taste great and they have tons of healthy benefits.

Here are a few of my favorite types of nuts and seeds and reasons that you should think about adding more of these fantastic foods to your diet.

Almonds-Who doesn’t love these little gems? Almonds are packed with vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. Almonds are high in monounsaturated fats. These healthy fats are known to lower LDL cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Almonds also contain anti-oxidants which help mop up free radicals. They are known to reduce the rise in blood sugar after a meal and their low glycemic index makes it a healthy food for diabetics.

Chia Seeds-Are you looking for an energy boost for your workout? Chia seeds pack in the protein to give you energy while also stabilizing blood sugar to reduce body fat and regulate appetite. They are a perfect workout supplement. They are also are packed with omega-3 fatty acids which improves your mood and brain health. They sure have come along way from the chia pet.

Walnuts-A walnut kind of looks like a small brain doesn’t it? Well, it’s quite a coincidence since walnuts contain many health benefits for the brain. Walnuts are known to help prevent dementia, reduce stress and are helpful for anti-aging. Walnuts contain a high amount vitamin E and also flavanoids which help destroy free radicals that can effect brain health. The absence of dangerous free radicals also improves the skin and helps lower blood pressure which reduces stress.

Hemp seeds-You can’t smoke these and you won’t get high, but the health benefits are amazing! Hemp can provide you with a balanced ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, vitamin A, E and D, and many B vitamins. It is also rich in sodium, calcium, dietary fiber and iron. Hemp seeds are known to reduce inflammation which can improve heart and brain health. They are also a healthy appetite suppressant. Try them with your eggs in the morning. They add a rich nutty flavor to your breakfast.

Cashews-When it comes to cancer prevention, cashews should be included in your diet. Cashews contain proanthocyanidins which are flavanols that actually starve tumors and stop cancer cells from dividing. Studies have also shown that cashews can reduce your risk of colon cancer. Cashews are also rich in magnesium and copper which strengthens bones and and provides substance and flexibility to bones and joints.

Pumpkin seeds-Looking for a nutritional power house? Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc which supports a healthy immune system, increases cell division and growth, improves sleep and mood, and sexual function. They are known to improve prostate health in men and to reduce symptoms of menopause and post menopause in women. I love to eat these raw or sprinkle them on my salad.

The bottom line, nuts and seeds are a healthy addition to your diet. They are delicious, nutritious, and they help you look and feel younger. A handful a day goes a long way, so why not go nuts? Or seedy? Ok, that was lame, but you get the picture.

I’m always available to talk about your health. Why not take the next step and take me up on a complimentary health strategy session? “Click Here” for your complimentary “Empower Your Health Strategy Session.” Together we’ll get you on the path to looking and feeling younger.

Have Happy Memorial Day!

Namaste Y’all!


What’s All The Stress About?

Stressed image

Today stress is a major cause of health issues in our lives from mental health to physical disease. It can create havoc on your mind and body. Did you know that with careful evaluation of your life and by eliminating certain habits you can remove most sources of stress form your life?

It’s that easy!

Stress is a response to challenges in life, and life isn’t that exciting without challenges, so we need a healthy way to deal with stress.

Stress can effect our health in many ways: 

-Poorly managed stress can accelerate aging in our bodies and in our minds.

-It can cause weight gain or loss through emotional eating patterns.

-Stress increases inflammation in our bodies which increases the chance of diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

-Depression is many time stress related.

Is this you?

-Financial stress?

-Relationship stress?

-Career stress?

-Lifestyle stress?

Relax! It can all be reversed. You got this!

Eat Healthy!-That’s right. What and how you eat can reduce stress significantly. Evaluate your eating habits.

-Avoid sugars and processed foods throughout your day. Eat real food!

-Don’t skip breakfast. Breakfast kickstarts your metabolism and helps keep your blood sugar levels steady throughout the day which reduces stress.

-Eat little and often. This will keep your energy levels steady and increase positive productivity.

-If your eating healthy, you will look good and feel good. Looking good and feeling good eliminates stress.

-Move-Even light exercise can lower stress levels. Combine exercise with a healthy diet and feel the stress go away. A fit healthy body keeps you looking and feeling good. When you feel and look good there is less stress. Are you seeing a pattern here?

Exercise your mind- Did you know that meditation has been around for thousands of years? There’s a reason for that. Take time for some simple breathing exercises or light meditation when you’re feeling stressed. It’s worth the effort.

-Sleep-Always take time for self-care. Sleep is an important component of self care and reducing stress. Take time to unplug, rest and recharge your body. You will awaken with more energy, vitality, and happiness.

-Socialize-Studies show that those who socialize regularly and are active in their community live longer. Increased socialization reduces stress and alleviates depression. Developing positive relationships and friendships increases self esteem.

Now you get the picture. Reducing stress in your life is a major factor for anti aging and keeping you looking and feeling younger.

Examine stress in your life. How is it effecting you?

Take some time for a little decompression. The benefits are endless.

A major component to my coaching package is stress reduction. Feeling stressed? “Click Here” for your complimentary “Empower Your Health Strategy Session.”  We’ll get to the bottom of what all the stress is about.

Have a Relaxing Day!


Technology Overload. Why Unplugging At Least Once A Day Will Make You Healthier And Happier


I remember when I was growing up, my parents would yell at me for watching too much TV or talking on the phone too long. “Go outside! It’s a beautiful day!” They would say. Wow, they would be pulling their hair out in this day and age. We are uber connected in every aspect of life and it’s depriving us of relaxation and peace and it’s piling on the stress. I’m guilty. Guilty of stressing out when I can’t find my phone. Guilty of being a prick to the tech support guy when my internet connection is down. Guilty of being a technology addict. But amidst all of the online chaos, I found a way to unplug. I found peace letting go and I’m healthier and happier for it.

I know there are others out there like me. I’m here to help. Here are three ways that you can unplug from your technology addiction and you will be healthier and happier.

Just Walk Away-I love this.  Twice a day I take my dog for a walk. I get up from my laptop. I put my phone down and go for a walk.  I enjoy the fresh air, hanging with my dog and just being mindful of the world around me. It clears my head,relieves stress and re-energizes me for the rest of the day.  If you’re at work, go outside for a few minutes. Walk around the building. Go get a healthy snack. Just walk away!

Sit in Silence-Meditation has many health benefits. When you’re mind is tired,stressed and overloaded, take a few minutes to let it all go.  Sit in silence and clear your head.  Just listen to your breath and nothing else. Once again you will return to your tasks energized with a clear mind and ready to go. Here is a great link for short meditations to get you through your day.

Exercise-Many benefits here.  Go for a run, or a bike ride. Attend a yoga class.  Whatever your method is just do it and leave your technology behind.  You will return to your daily activities focused and stress free.

So what are your methods of unplugging?

I’m just touching the tip of the iceberg here.  Whatever your methods may be, just commit to it and you will be better for it.

Having trouble unplugging? Come see me! We will discuss what’s getting in your way and develop practices that will help you unplug.  Schedule a free consultation at

If this post has been beneficial or not, I would love your feedback.

Now it’s time to go walk the dog.

Namaste Y’all!
